If WordPress Liked It Then They Should Have Put A Ring on It

So, here’s the thing, guys: I moved my blog again. I know, I know. It sucks. Now you have to update your bookmarks or your subscriptions or what-have-you. You have to get used to another site and reconcile your image of me as a nice, stable WordPress lover with this new picture of me as a wild, philandering Blogspot user. But think of how I feel. I’m leaving WordPress, who I adore and who has never been anything but fantastic to me, for Blogger, who I don’t love, but who is willing to take our relationship to the next level in a way WordPress was never willing to do.

Sorry, WordPress. We just want different things. You will always hold a special place in my heart, but I have to move on.

I hope you will all understand and support my decision by visiting me at my new home, moragandme.blogspot.com.