Operation Fix That Shiz: My Daily Routine – Update

I have been procrastinating on this update post because

1. I regret calling this series “Operation Fix that Shiz”

2. My plan to make a daily schedule for myself (I write it out on paper), while not a total bust, hasn’t been keeping me on track the way I wanted it to. The main problem is it doesn’t work when we’re inside for long stretches of time (we’re talking DAYS here), and this week has been terrible for that because not only has the weather been terrible, my kids are sick. The schedule is nice because it breaks up the day a little bit, but sometimes I avoid making one altogether because I hate looking at a piece of paper that confirms my entire day will be spent cooking, cleaning, and playing with my kids. Not that playing with my children is a BAD thing (I really do like it!), but anyone who has played “pretend” with a 3 year-old for more than a half hour will tell you there comes a point when you just want to hurl yourself out a window mid-game. Let’s just say I’ve gotten really good at hide and seek.

The good news is, I like writing out a schedule every day, and when it works, it works. I am going to stick with it. I was already in the habit of making a daily “to do” list before (I am downright religious about my “to do” lists), but making a plan for when I am going to do each task forces me to be more realistic about what I can accomplish in a day. In turn, I get many more items ticked off my list.

The only thing I’m going to add to my routine is “phone/internet time”. I find that I am still procrastinating by checking e-mail, messages, YouTube, etc. a million times a day, so I’ll schedule a few small blocks of time to do just that and hide my phone when it’s time to be present and productive.

Anyway. There you go. Daily schedules. I recommend them.

Next project: getting my preschooler to eat food that has colour (you know, food that isn’t bread, chicken nuggets, and Cheerios).
